Rosie's World

Rosie’s World – A Farmtastic Educational Website

As I wrote in a previous post, “Why Screen Time is Good for Kids“, one of the great things about pairing kids and technology these days is education. There’s no shortage of knowledge out on the Internet, but like any other parent, I’m always wary of Internet safety.  This week I was guided to a safe and fun NZ site ( where kids could learn about dairying.  So I decided to let my 5 year old loose on the site and he had a blast!  I mean, we live in surburbia, so the chance of him even seeing a cow is highly impossible for the moment 😛

Rosie’s World introduces kids to the world of dairying through Rosie the cow, New Zealand’s dairy “Cowbassador”. The website is highly interactive, with activities, games, competitions and videos stepping the kids through the journey. We’ve found the games are not supported on a smart phone natively in the browser, however, there is the option to download the games from the App Stores.  Gumboot Glory was a personal favourite 😛

The great thing about Rosie is that she’s a traveller.  So not only did Master 5 learn about dairying in New Zealand, but as Rosie is on her O.E, he’s learnt about some of the other countries in the world that our dairy is exported to.  Rosie has been to Cuba, Europe and China, & is now making her way across India!  With each stop, Rosie writes in her travel blog, which holds interesting facts & figures about the areas she is in.

Anyway, Rosie currently has a competition running  (or as she calls it a cowpetition lol) to win an iPad Mini, UE Boom, Beats Solo Headphones and a $30 iTunes card.  So while you’re heading over to learn more from Rosie, don’t forget to pop on over to her cowpetition page before September 15th to be in to win 🙂


This post was made possible thanks to Rosie’s World.  All opinions on this post are entirely my own.



