nib Health Insurance

Another Step in My #FreshStart Journey

Life’s a funny thing. As a child you don’t really think about the things happening around you.  All you’re concerned about are the things you find interesting. To be fair though, as a parent you tend not to burden your kids minds with adult thoughts and worries.

Emigrating to New Zealand as a 16 year old was a tough task, as it would be for any teenager.  It’s not until years later as a parent, that I now really understand what a daunting task it would have been for my parents.  They packed everything up, sold what they needed to, and headed off to the relative unknown with three kids. Like a lot of newcomers we had no family support, and it’s only by the grace of God, and a lot of hard work and forethought, that they managed to successfully bring up three kids in a new country.

As a new immigrant, especially one with kids, you know how much planning goes with heading to a new country.  It’s not only the how to get there, the plans of what to do when there, but it’s also the failsafe plans – what help you and your family might need.  Whilst I’m in no hurry to emigrate again, with my current #freshstart health program underway, thinking about my family’s health and wellbeing has become a top priority.

If you’ve been following my #freshstart posts, you’ll know that my main goal behind doing this, is to get fitter and healthier in order to spend more time with my kids.  So more exercise, thinking about what I eat, and even how I eat.  Unfortunately, as we all know how life sometimes works, eating well and exercising doesn’t always mean we will stay healthy. Sometimes things are out of our control, for whatever reason. So to give them more of me, means I also need to think about the plans that help keep us going when the going gets tough.

Of course, it’s not a topic one wants to talk about. You know, the “what if”. But, it’s one we should talk about because some things are bigger than us. Sometimes we need a hand, especially when time is of the essence.  Health insurance offers that peace of mind, that if something were to happen, no matter how big or small, we would get the help needed in time.

Now, therein lies the difficult part – where do you start with health insurance? What do you need/want to cover? Are all health insurance plans created equal?  This is where the guys from nib Health Insurance came in.  Their easy to follow website answered all our questions, and even questions we hadn’t even thought about!  All your investigation can happen in the comfort of your own home, and even if you have more questions, or you’d prefer someone to ring, they have that option too 😃  If you’re like us, and prefer to do things online, they even have an app which allows you to manage your policy online!

Now, I know you think health insurance covers you for the big stuff.  So did I! I’ve learnt though, that some health insurance policies can cover you for even the day to day stuff! Which is so great when you get every bug and sniffle that the kids bring home with them, and going to the doctor isn’t cheap to be honest!  It’s also a great help with things like optometrists, when your kid’s prescription changes yearly like my son’s did.

So whilst we’re personally taking the steps to get fitter and healthier, we do also realise we need to plan for the unexpected – whether you’re a new kiwi or a settled one 😃.



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