Asparagus Toast Canapé

Day 7 : Asparagus Toast

This canapé was enjoyed by almost everyone that I tried it on. I guess its a twist on the asparagus rolls that were once a familiar sight at any get together in NZ 🙂 I learnt 2 things whilst coming up with this canapé – 1.  I don’t know how to cook asparagus &  2.  Whilst I’m not a big fan of asparagus (probably because I’ve always only had tinned asparagus), master 4 loved it!



  • Sliced Toast Bread
  • Heinz Seriously Good Aioli
  • Watties Tinned Asparagus



  • Toast the bread.  I did mine in a standard pop-up toaster, but you could toast it on a baking tray in the oven.
  • Once toasted, cut off the crusts (set aside to make into breadcrumbs later or spread with butter & eat now :P)
  • Cut each slice into 3 rectangles
  • Spread the aioli onto each piece of toast
  • Add a spear of asparagus on top of the aioli


Enjoy! 🙂



  • As with all my 12 days of Canapés recipes, the ingredients are just a list of all the products I used to do this.  Feel free to chop & change for your favourite brands 🙂
  • Best made shortly before eating, as the aioli needs to be refrigerated but the toast will go soggy/chewy in the fridge.  You could, however, toast & cut the bread, and store in an airtight container.  Then assemble the canapé before eating.






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