INSM Book Reviews

The Nowhere Child, Christian White : Book Review

The Nowhere Child, Christian White : Book Review

The Nowhere Child
Published: 2018-06-26
'Her name is Sammy Went. This photo was taken on her second birthday. Three days later she was gone.' On a break between teaching photography classes in Melbourne, Kim Leamy is approached by a stranger investigating the disappearance of a little girl from her Kentucky home twenty-eight years earlier. He believes Kim is that girl.At first she brushes it off, but when Kim scratches the surface of her family history in Australia, questions arise that…

It’s no secret I will read almost anything in the crime/suspense/thriller/mystery genre 😛 For me, these books can generally be divided into 2 categories – predictable & omg I hope my kids sleep in cos I’m still reading at 3am 😛

The Nowhere Child by Christian White is DEFINITELY in the latter category! From the beginning of the book, you’re drawn in, reading word after word faster & faster. Now, some bits are kinda predictable, however, having finished the book I’m assuming the author may have used this more of a ploy to catch you unaware – you think you know what’s going to happen, but BAM! he hits you with the ending.

Whilst this is the author’s first book, I absolutely recommend it & truely hope he is working on many others!


I wish to thank Hachette NZ for providing me with a free copy of this book for review purposes.

