• Food Show Auckland Survival Tips - INSM

    Surviving The Food Show

    If you haven’t guessed from this blog already, I love food! Be it trying new stuff or experimenting in the kitchen, I love it all 😃  Thankfully, my kids have picked up on this and I don’t usually have many issues with them trying new things (eating on time is a different story tho O.o).  Of course, buying a whole jar of something to find out the whole family hates it, can get quite expensive so going to The Food Show Auckland is the best thing ever! So yesterday was the Preview Day for The Food Show Auckland, and leaving one monkey at school and the other with her Gran…

  • Dinosaurs in the Garden

    Dinosaurs in the Gardens – Auckland Botanic Gardens Event

    ​Yes, you’ve read that right! 😛 Dinosaurs have arrived in Auckland & we went to investigate 😜 In typical Auckland fashion, neither the traffic or the weather came to the party, but we arrived with plenty of time before our 3pm session.  The Dinosaur Encounter is done outdoors, so don’t forget to carry a rain jacket or umbrella just in case 🙂 Thankfully for us the rain held off until we were on our way home. The encounter starts with the lovely lady, who was enthusiastic despite the weather, introducing the concept of going back in time to when the dinosaurs roamed.  It is very interactive for the kids, but…